Why cannabinoids are banned in sports and games ?
Cannabinoids, anabolic steroids and certain hormones are used by sports person to increase their atheletic performance.
The misuse of it is associated with side effects like
$(a)$ In females: $(1)$ masculisation $(2)$ increased aggressiveness $(3)$ mood swings $(4)$ abnormal menstrual cycles $(5)$ enlarged clitoris
$(b)$ In males : $(1)$ inceased acne $(2)$ mood swings $(3)$ reduced testicular size $(4)$ decreased spermatogenesis $(5)$ enlarged breasts $(6)$ enlarged prostate gland $(7)$ dysfunctioning of liver and kidney.
Many secondary metabolites of plants have medicinal properties. It is their misuse that creates problems. Justify the statement with an example.
What are the extreme effects of drug /alcohol abuse?
Diacetyl morphine is commonly known as
Heroin is obtained from plant of family
Sedatives, tranquillisers, stimulants and hallucinogens are the psychosis drugs which affect the