A car is moving on a straight road with uniform acceleration. The following table gives the speed of the car at various instants of time.
Time $(s)$ | $0$ | $10$ | $20$ | $30$ | $40$ | $50$ |
Speed $\left(m s^{-1}\right)$ | $5$ | $10$ | $15$ | $20$ | $25$ | $30$ |
$(i)$ Draw the speed$-$time graph representing the above set of observations.
$(ii)$ Find the acceleration of the car.
The nelocitu$-$time graph of a body is as shown. What tupe of motion does the body posses ?
$(a)$ Write differences between speed and velocity.
$(b)$ The speed of a moving object is $x m s ^{-1}$. Its velocity is $y m s ^{-1}$. What is the similarity observed ?
The following table shows the positive of Renu, while she is going to her school. Draw distance$-$time graph for her motion.
Time | Distance from her home $( k m )$ |
$06: 45\, am$ | $0$ |
$07: 00 \,am$ | $8$ |
$01: 30\, pm$ | $8$ |
$01: 45\, pm$ | $0$ |
A circular cycle track has a circumference of $314\, m$ with $A B$ as one of its diameter. $A$ cyclist travels from $A$ to $B$ along the circular path with a velocity of constant magnitude $15.7\, m s ^{-1}$. Find the
$(a)$ distance moved by the cyclist.
$(b)$ displacement of the cyclist, if $A B$ represents north$-$south direction.
$(c)$ the average velocity of the cyclist.