Write floral formula for a flower which is bisexual, actinomorphic, sepals five, twisted aestivation, petals five, valvate aestivation, stamens six, ovary tricarpellary, syncarpous, superior, trilocular with axile placentation.
$\rightarrow$ Floral formula : It is such a formula by which we can describe flower with some symbols. various symbols for above conditions is given below :
$(i)$ Bisexual
$(ii)$ Actinomorphic $\oplus$
$(iii)$ Sepals $5, \mathrm{~K}_{5}$
$(iv)$ Twisted aestivation
$(v)$ Petals $\mathrm{C}_{5}$
$(vi)$ Valvate Aestivation
$(vii)$ Stamen $\mathrm{A}_{6}$
$(viii)$ Three chambered ovary $\mathrm{G}_{3}$
$(ix)$ Syncarpus $\mathrm{G}_{(3)}$
$(x)$ Three chambered ovary $Q$
$(xi)$ Axile placentation
$(xii)$ Floral formula $\oint, \oplus, \mathrm{K}_{5} \mathrm{C}_{5} \mathrm{~A}_{6} \mathrm{G}_{(3)}$.
What is meant by floral formula ? Which signs are used to make floral formula ?
Explain : How floral diagram is drawn ?
Give signs used for floral formula.
In floral formula, ${ }^{\prime} K ^{\prime}$ and ' $C ^{\prime}$ stands for
Given below are a few floral formulae of some well known plants. Draw floral diagrams from these formulae.
$(i)$ $ \oplus \,{K_{\left( 5 \right)}}\,{C_{\left( 5 \right)}}\,{A_5}\,{G_{\left( 2 \right)}}$
$(ii)$ $\% \,{K_{\left( 5 \right)}}\,{C_{1 + 2 + 3}}\,{A_{\left( 9 \right) + 1}}\,{G_1}$
$(iii)$ $ \oplus \,{K_5}\,{C_5}\,{A_{5 + 5}}\,{G_{\left( 5 \right)}}$