..............is common for both $DNA$ and $RNA$ but.............is present only in $DNA$
Uracil, thymine'
Thymine , Uracil
Guanine, thymine
cytosine, uracil
Genes are chemically
Full Forms : $NHC$
Explain the role of scientist :
$1.$ Friedrich Miescher $1869$
$2.$ Maurice wilkins and Rosalind Franklin
In a nucleus, the number of ribonucleoside triphosphates is $10$ times the number of deoxy $x10$ ribonucleoside triphosphates, but only deoxy\ ribonucleotides are added during the $DNA$ replication. Suggest a mechanism.
A given double stranded $DNA$ molecule is $1,00,000$ base pairs long. The length of this $DNA$ molecule will be