......... are produced without distillation.

  • A
    Whisky and rum
  • B
    Rum and wine
  • C
    Beer and whisky
  • D
    Wine and beer

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Match the following organisms with the products they produce

$(a)$ Lactobacillus $(i)$ Cheese
$(b)$ Saccharomyces cerevishe $(ii)$ Curd
$(c)$ Aspergillus niger $(iii)$ Citric Acid
$(d)$ Acetobacter acet $\quad$  $(iv)$ Bread
  $(v)$ Acetic Acid

Select the correct option.

$(a)\quad (b)\quad (c)\quad (d)$

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$A $ : Wine and beer are produced by distillation of the fermented broth.

$R$ : Different types of alcoholic drinks are obtained only by fermentation, always followed by distillation process.

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