Which are intimately related
When a person dies after stung by bee followed by the administration of penicillin, death may be due to
What is secondary metabolism ?
Vibrio cholerae is a motile bacteria belonging to the group of
Which group of three of the following five statements $(I-V)$ contains is correct regarding beriberi?
$I.$ A crippling disease prevalent among the native population of sub-Sahara Africa.
$II.$ A deficiency disease caused by lack of thiamine (vitamin- $B_{1}$ ).
$III.$ A nutritional disorder in infants and young children when the diet is persistantly deficient in essential protein.
$IV.$ Occurs in those countries where the staple diet is polished rice.
$V.$ The symptoms are pain from neuritis, paralysis, muscle wasting, progressive oedema, mental deterioration and finally heart failure.