$A, B, C$ are partners in a business. During a particular $year,$ A received one third of the profit, $B$ received $\frac{1}{4}$ of the profit and $C$ received the remaining $Rs.\, 5000$ How much amount of money did A receive? (in $Rs.$)
A shopkeeper cheats to the extent of $10 \%$ while buying as well as selling, by using false weights. His total gain is in $\%$
A shopkeeper mixes $26\, kg$ of wheat which cost $Rs$. $20$ a $kg$ with $30\, kg$ of wheat which cost $Rs.\,36$ a $kg$ and sells the mixture at $Rs.\,30$ a $kg.$ Find the profit percent.
Abhishek makes a profit of $Rs.\,110,$ if he sells a certain number of pens he has at the price of $Rs.\, 2.5$ per pen and incurs a loss of $Rs.$ $55,$ if he sells the same number of pens for $Rs.$ $1.75$ per pen. How many pens does Abhishek have?
A man purchased some eggs at $3$ for $Rs.\, 5$ and sold them at $5$ for $Rs.\, 12 .$ Thus, he gained $Rs.\, 143$ in all. The number of eggs he bought is
Aditya bought $200$ dozen orange at $Rs.\, 10$ per dozen and he spent $Rs.\, 500$ on transportation. Hesold each orange at $Rs.\, 1$ each. What was his profit or loss $\% ?$