$(p\; \wedge \sim q) \wedge (\sim p \vee q)$ is
A contradiction
A tautology
Either $(a)$ or $(b)$
Neither $(a)$ nor $(b)$
The statement $(\mathrm{p} \wedge(\mathrm{p} \rightarrow \mathrm{q}) \wedge(\mathrm{q} \rightarrow \mathrm{r})) \rightarrow \mathrm{r}$ is :
Consider the following two propositions:
$P_1: \sim( p \rightarrow \sim q )$
$P_2:( p \wedge \sim q ) \wedge((\sim p ) \vee q )$
If the proposition $p \rightarrow((\sim p ) \vee q )$ is evaluated as $FALSE$, then
Which of the following Boolean expressions is not a tautology ?
If the inverse of the conditional statement $p \to \left( { \sim q\ \wedge \sim r} \right)$ is false, then the respective truth values of the statements $p, q$ and $r$ is