A body can have zero average velocity but not zero average speed. Justify giving an example.
When a body starts moving from a reference point and returns back after sometime, its average velocity is zero but average speed has some magnitude.
Example : After completing a complete rotation on a circular path, the average velocity of an object is zero but its average speed is a ratio of circumference of the path and time taken in traversing it.
Area under a $v -t$ graph represents a physical quantity which has the unit
What is meant by uniform motion ? Can you think of an example of a body in uniforim motion ?
In a long distance race, the athletes were expected to take four rounds of the track such that the line of finish was same as the line of start. Suppose the length of the track was $200\, m$.
$(a)$ What is the total distance to be covered by the athletes ?
$(b)$ What is the displacement of the athletes when they touch the finish line ?
$(c)$ Is the motion of the athletes uniform or nonuniform ?
$(d)$ Is the displacement of an athlete and the distance moved by him at the end of the race equal ?
A moving body is covering a distance directly proportional to the square of time. The acceleration of the body is
A scooter starts from rest moves in a straight line with a constant acceleration and covers a distance of $64 \,m$ in $4 \,s$
$(i)$ Calculate its acceleration and its final velocity.
$(ii)$ At what time the scooter had covered half the total distance ?