Suppose a boy is enjoying a ride on a merry-go-round which is moving with a constant speed of $10\, ms^{-1}$. It implies that the boy is
at rest
in accelerated motion
moving with no acceleration
moving with uniform velocity
A cyclist travels a distance of $4\, km$ from $P$ to $Q$ and then moves a distance of $3\, km$ right angle to $PQ$. Find his resultant displacement graphically.
Derive the equation $v^{2}-u^{2}=2 a S$ graphically.
Study the speed$-$time graph of a car below and answer the following questions
$(a)$ What type of motion is represented by $OA$ ?
$(b)$ Find acceleration from $B$ to $C$.
$(c)$ Calculate the distance covered by the body from $A$ to $B$.
The position$-$time graph for the motion of a car is given below
$(i)$ How far the car tavelled in the time interval $2$ to $6 s ?$
$(ii)$ During which interval of time its speed was more?
$(iii)$ Calculate the average speed of the car.
Four cars $A$, $B$, $C$ and $D$ are moving on a levelled road. Their distance versus time graphs are shown in Fig. Choose the correct statement