A body of density $\rho'$  is dropped from rest at a height $h$ into a lake of density $\rho$ , where $\rho > \rho '$ . Neglecting all dissipative forces, calculate the maximum depth to which the body sinks before returning to float on the surface.

  • A

    $\frac{h}{{\rho \,\, - \,\,\rho '}}$

  • B

    $\frac{{h\,\rho '}}{\rho }$

  • C

    $\frac{{h\,\rho '}}{{\rho \,\, - \,\,\rho '}}$

  • D

    $\frac{{h\,\rho }}{{\rho \,\, - \,\,\rho '}}$

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