A machine is blowing spherical soap bubbles of different radii filled with helium gas.It is found that, if the bubbles have a radius smaller than $1\,cm$, then they sink to the floor in still air. Larger bubbles float in the air. Assume that the thickness of the soap film in all bubbles is uniform and equal. Assume that the density of soap solution is same as that of water $\left(=1000 \,kg m ^{-3}\right)$. The density of helium inside the bubbles and air are $0.18 \,kg m ^{-3}$ and $1.23 \,kg m ^{-3}$, respectively. Then, the thickness of the soap film of the bubbles is .......... $\mu m$ (Note $1 \,\mu m =10^{-6} \,m$ )
A vertical triangular plate $ABC$ is placed inside water with side $BC$ parallel to water surface as shown. The force on one surface of plate by water is (density of water is $\rho $ and atmospheric pressure $P_0$ )
A log of wood of mass $120 Kg$ floats in water. The weight that can be put on the raft to make it just sink, should be ....... $Kg$ (density of wood = $600 Kg/m^3$)
There are two identical small holes of area of cross-section a on the opposite sides of a tank containing a liquid of density $\rho$. The difference in height between the holes is $h$. Tank is resting on a smooth horizontal surface. Horizontal force which will have to be applied on the tank to keep it in equilibrium is
A silver ingot weighing $2.1 kg$ is held by a string so as to be completely immersed in a liquid of relative density $0.8$. The relative density of silver is $10.5$ . The tension in the string in $kg-wt$ is
A beaker containing water is placed on the platform of a spring balance. The balance reads $1.5$ $kg$. A stone of mass $0.5$ $kg$ and density $500$ $kg/m^3$ is immersed in water without touching the walls of beaker. What will be the balance reading now ? ..... $kg$