A body under the action of several forces will have zero acceleration
When the body is very light
When the body is very heavy
When the body is a point body
When the vector sum of all the forces acting on it is zero
The position$(x)$ of a particle at any time$(t)$ is given by $x(t) = 4t^3 -3t^2 + 2$ The acceleration and velocity of the particle at any time $t = 2\, sec$ are respectively
The velocity of the bullet becomes one third after it penetrates $4\,cm$ in a wooden block. Assuming that bullet is facing a constant resistance during its motion in the block. The bullet stops completely after travelling at $(4+x)\,cm$ inside the block. The value of $x$ is$.....$
When acceleration and average acceleration are equal for moving object ?
Two points move in the same straight line starting at the same moment from the same point in it. The first moves with constant velocity $u$ and the second with constant acceleration $f$. During the time elapses before the second catches, the first greatest distance between the particle is $........$
The distance travelled by a body moving along a line in time $t$ is proportional to $t^3$. The acceleration-time $(a, t)$ graph for the motion of the body will be