A car starts from rest and moves along the $x-$ axis with constant acceleration $5\, ms^{-2}$ for $8\,\sec $. If it then continues with constant velocity, what distance will the car cover in $12\,\sec $ since it started from the rest ?
The distance travelled in first $8 \,s ,\,\, x_{1}=0+\frac{1}{2}(5)(8)^{2}=160\, m$
At this point the velocity $v=u+a t=0+(5 \times 8)=40 \,m s^{-1}$
Therefore, the distance covered in last four seconds, $x _{2}=(40 \times 4)\, m =160\, m$
Thus, the total distance $x=x_{1}+x_{2}=(160+160) \,m =320\, m$
The branch of Physics which deals with the motion of objects while taking into consideration the cause of motion is
$(a)$ Differentiate between distance and displacement.
$(b)$ Under what conditions is the magnitude of average velocity of an object equal to its average speed ?
Study the given graph and answer the following questions
$(i)$ Which part of the graph shows accelerated motion ?
$(ii)$ Which part of the graph shows retarded motion ?
$(iii)$ Calculate the distance travelled by the body in first $4$ seconds of journey graphically.
A car is moving on a straight road with uniform acceleration. The following table gives the speed of the car at various instants of time.
Time $(s)$ | $0$ | $10$ | $20$ | $30$ | $40$ | $50$ |
Speed $\left(m s^{-1}\right)$ | $5$ | $10$ | $15$ | $20$ | $25$ | $30$ |
$(i)$ Draw the speed$-$time graph representing the above set of observations.
$(ii)$ Find the acceleration of the car.
$(a)$ Define uniform circular motion.
$(b)$ Ram goes for a morning walk in a circular park daily. He completes one revolution of the park in $4$ minutes. Find his speed if the diameter of the park is $420\, m$.
$(c)$ Draw velocity$-$time graph for uniform motion along a straight line. How can you find distance covered by a body from this graph ?