A charge of $5\,C$ is given a displacement of $0.5\,m$. The work done in the process is $10\,J$. The potential difference between the two points will be.......$V$
A negative point charge placed at the point $A$ is
Identify the $WRONG$ statement
A positive point charge is released from rest at a distance $r_0$ from a positive line charge with uniform density. The speed $(v)$ of the point charge, as a function of instantaneous distance $r$ from line charge, is proportional to
In the electric field of a point charge $q$, a certain charge is carried from point $A$ to $B, C, D$ and $E$. Then the work done
In a hydrogen atom, the electron and proton are bound at a distance of about $0.53\; \mathring A:$
$(a)$ Estimate the potential energy of the system in $eV$, taking the zero of the potential energy at infinite separation of the electron from proton.
$(b)$ What is the minimum work required to free the electron, given that its kinetic energy in the orbit is half the magnitude of potential energy obtained in $(a)?$
$(c)$ What are the answers to $(a)$ and $(b)$ above if the zero of potential energy is taken at $1.06\;\mathring A$ separation?