A large number of fish are suddenly found floating dead on a lake. There is no evidence of toxic dumping but you find an abundance of phytoplankton. Suggest a reason for the fish kill.
The amount of soluble oxygen in the water is very low. Due to the decpening of microorganisms in water, soluble oxygen decrcases. Because the microbes contained in water are disinfected by bacteria. They require very high amount of oxygen for their decomposition. SO it uses soluble oxygen in water and due to this the $BOD$ value of water goes below $6$and due to this more fishes die.
How did the depletion of ozone layer has created in the atmosphere over the Antarctica Explain with reactions.
What is Eutrophication ?
On which bases the non-viable particulates can be classified ?
What is acid rain ? Explain the formation of acid rain by atmospheric pollutant.
Fill in the Blanks :
$(1)$ Hydrocarbon compounds are made from ........ and ....... .
$(2)$ ......... has a capacity to stop the flow of oxygen.
$(3)$ ........ is formed by attaching carbon monoxide with hemoglobin in blood.