A man buys two chairs for a total cost of $900.$ By selling one for $\frac{4}{5}$ of its cost and the other for $\frac{5}{4}$ of its cost, he makes a profit of $90$ on the whole transaction. The cost of the lower priced chair is (in $Rs.$)
A wholesaler had $200$ dozens of mangoes. He sold some of these mangoes at $20 \%$ profit and the rest at $10 \%$ profit, so that he made $13 \%$ profit on selling all the mangoes. How many mangoes (in dozens) did he sells at $20 \%$ profit?
A shopkeeper sells an article at a gain of $10 \% .$ Had he sold it at a loss of $20 \%,$ its selling price would have been $Rs.\,180$ less. What is the cost price of the article? (in $Rs.$)
Two continuous discounts of $4 \%$ on any thing should be equal to $\%$
By selling a fan for $Rs.\,1900$ a man has a loss of $5 \%$, then at what price (in $Rs.$) should he sell the fan to gain $20 \% ?$
A fan in a shop is offered at a discount of $10 \%$. It is sold during clearance sale at $6 \%$ discount over the already discounted price at $Rs.\,846.$ The original marked price of the fan is (in $Rs.$)