A man purchased $120$ reams of paper at $Rs.\, 80$ per He spend $RS.\, 280$ on transportation, paid octrol at the rate of $40$ palse per ream and paid $Rs.\, 72$ to a porter. In order to gain $8 \%$ he must sell each ream of paper for (in $Rs.$)
A person sold a radio at a loss of $5 \% .$ Had he sold it for $Rs\, 210$ more, he would have gained $25 \%$. For what value should he sell it in order to gain $35 \% ?$
A shopkeeper gives $12 \%$ additional discount on the discounted price, after giving an initial discount of $20 \%$ on the labelled price of a radio. If the final selling price of the radio is $Rs \,704$ then what is its labelled price?(In $Rs$)
A shopkeeper gains $17 \%$ after allowing a discount of $10 \%$ on the marked price of an article. Find his profit percent if the article is sold at marked price allowing no discount.
A shopkeeper sells $20$ pencils for the same amount of money as he paid for $25$ pencils. What is his gain percent?
Maninder bought two horses at $Rs.\, 40,000$ each. He sold one horse at $15 \%$ gain, but had to sell the second horse at a loss. If he had suffered a loss of $Rs.3,600$ on the whole transaction, then the selling price of the second horse is (in $Rs.$)