A men sells two houses at the rate of $Rs.\,1.995$ Lakhs each. On one house he gains $20 \%$ and on the other he loses $20 \% .$ His gain or loss per cent in the whole transaction is
$5 \%$ loss
$4 \%$
$4 \%$ loss
None of these
A man bought $4$ dozen eggs at $Rs.\, 24$ per dozen and $2$ dozen eggs at $Rs.\, 32$ per dozen. To gain $20\%$ on the whole, he should sell the eggs at in $Rs.$ per dozen
A man bought some fruits at the rate of $16$ for $Rs. 24$ and sold them at the rate of $8$ for $Rs$ $18.$ What is the profit percent?
Aditya purchase a book with a $20 \%$ discount on the marked price. How much $Rs.$ did he pay if the book marked was $Rs.$ $500 ?$
A man sells an article at $5 \%$ above its cost price. If he had bought it at $5 \%$ less than what he had paid for it and sold it at $Rs.\, 2$ less, he would have gained $10 \% .$ The cost price of the article is (in $Rs.$)
A sold a horse to $B$ for $Rs.\, 4800$ by losing $20 \%$. $B$ sells it to $C$ at a price which would have given $A$ a profit of $15 \% .$ $B's$ gain is (in $Rs.$)