A metallic sphere weighing $3 \,kg$ in air is held by a string so as to be completely immersed in a liquid of relative density $0.8$. The relative density of metallic is $10$. The tension in the string is ........ $N$
Why does a ship made of iron float while a piece of iron sinks in water ?
A vessel contain a liquid has a constant acceleration $19.6 \,m / s ^2$ in horizontal direction. The free surface of water get sloped with horizontal at angle ..........
A wooden block, with a coin placed on its top, floats in water as shown in fig. the distance $l $ and $h$ are shown there. After some time the coin falls into the water. Then
A block of volume $V$ and of density $\sigma _b$ is placed in liquid of density $\sigma _l(\sigma _l > \sigma _b)$ , then block is moved upward upto a height $h$ and it is still in liquid. The increase in gravitational potential energy of the system is
The density of ice is $0.9 \,g / cm ^3$. What percentage by volume of the block of ice floats outside the water is ..........$\%$