A metallic wire of length $L$ is fixed between two rigid supports. If the wire is cooled through a temperature difference $\Delta T$ ($Y$ = young’s modulus, $\rho$ = density, $\alpha$ = coefficient of linear expansion) then the frequency of transverse vibration is proportional to :
$\frac{\alpha }{{\sqrt {\rho Y} }}$
$\sqrt {\frac{{Y\alpha }}{\rho }} $
$\frac{\rho }{{\sqrt {Y\alpha } }}$
$\sqrt {\frac{{\rho \alpha }}{Y}} $
In Melde's experiment, the string vibrates in $4$ loops when a $50 \,gram$ weight is placed in the pan of weight $15\, gram.$ To make the string to vibrates in $6$ loops the weight that has to be removed from the pan is
Fundamental frequency of one closed pipe is $300$ $\mathrm{Hz}$. What will be the frequency of its second overtone ?
A string of $7 \;m$ length has a mass of $0.035\,kg$. If tension in the string is $60.5\; N,$ then speed of a wave on the string is .... $m/s$
A tuning fork and a sonometer wire were sounded together and produce $4$ beats per second. When the length of sonometer wire is $95 cm$ or $100 cm,$ the frequency of the tuning fork is ..... $Hz$
A wire of density $8 \times 10^3\,kg / m ^3$ is stretched between two clamps $0.5\,m$ apart. The extension developed in the wire is $3.2 \times 10^{-4}\,m$. If $Y =8 \times 10^{10}\,N / m ^2$, the fundamental frequency of vibration in the wire will be $......\,Hz$.