A wire of length one metre under a certain initial tension emits a sound of fundamental frequency $256 \,Hz$. When the tension is increased by $1 \,kg$ wt, the frequency of the fundamental node increases to $320 \,Hz$. The initial tension is ........... $kg \,wt$
$3 / 4$
$4 / 3$
$16 / 9$
$20 / 9$
A stretched string of length $l,$ fixed at both ends can sustain stationary waves of wavelength $\lambda ,$ given by
The tension of a stretched string is increased by $69\%$. In order to keep its frequency of vibration constant, its length must be increased by ..... $\%$
A rod of length $1.2\,m$ is clamped at the mid point and its fundamental frequency is $2\,MHz$ , then speed of wave inside the rod?
A transverse wave is passing through a stretched string with a speed of $20\ m/s.$ The tension in the string is $20\ N$. At a certain point $P$ on the string, it is observed that energy is being transferred at a rate of $40 \ mW$ at a given instant. Find the speed of point $P$.
A uniform metal wire of density $\rho $, cross-sectional area $A$ and length $L$ is stretched with a tension $T$. The speed of transverse wave in the wire is given by