A mixture of oxygen and ethyne is burnt for welding. Can you tell why a mixture of ethyne and air is not used ?
$2HC \equiv CH + 5{O_2}\, \to \,4C{O_2} + 2{H_2}O$ $+$ Heat
When ethyne is burnt in air, it gives a sooty flame. This is due to incomplete combustion caused by limited supply of air. However, if ethyne is burnt with oxygen, it gives a clean flame with temperature $3000\,^oC$ because of complete combustion. This oxy-acetylene flame is used for welding. It is not possible to attain such a high temperature without mixing oxygen. This is the reason why a mixture of ethyne and air is not used.
Which of the following hydrocarbons undergo addition reactions :
$C _{2} H _{6}, \,C _{3} H _{8},\,C _{3} H _{6}, \,C _{2} H _{2}$ and $CH _{4}$
Draw the structures for the following compounds
$(i)$ Ethanoic acid $(ii)$ Bromopentane $^*$
$^*$ Are structural isomers possible for bromopentane ?
Explain the formation of scum when hard water is treated with soap.
Draw the electron dot structures for
$(a)$ propanone
$(b)$ $F_2$
Draw the structures for the following compounds
$(i)$ Butanone $(ii)$ Hexanal