ऑक्सीजन तथा एथाइन के मिश्रण का दहन वेल्डिंग के लिए किया जाता है। क्या आप बता सकते हैं कि एथाइन तथा वायु के मिश्रण का उपयोग क्यों नहीं किया जाता?

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$2HC \equiv CH + 5{O_2}\, \to \,4C{O_2} + 2{H_2}O$ $+$ Heat

When ethyne is burnt in air, it gives a sooty flame. This is due to incomplete combustion caused by limited supply of air. However, if ethyne is burnt with oxygen, it gives a clean flame with temperature $3000\,^oC$ because of complete combustion. This oxy-acetylene flame is used for welding. It is not possible to attain such a high temperature without mixing oxygen. This is the reason why a mixture of ethyne and air is not used.

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