A particle is moving on a circular path with constant speed $v$. It moves between two points $A$ and $B$. which subtends an angle $60^{\circ}$ at the centre of circle. The magnitude of change in its velocity and change in magnitude of its velocity during motion from $A$ to $B$ are respectively ..........
$v, 0$
$0, v$
$2 v, v$
Two bodies of mass $10 \,kg$ and $5 \,kg$ moving in concentric orbits of radii $R$ and $r$ such that their periods are the same. Then the ratio between their centripetal acceleration is
A cylindrical vessel partially filled with water is rotated about its vertical central axis. It’s surface will
A car is travelling with linear velocity $v$ on a circular road of radius $r$. If it is increasing its speed at the rate of $'a'$ $meter/{\sec ^2}$, then the resultant acceleration will be
A car is moving at a speed of $40\,m/s$ on a circular track of radius $400\,m.$ This speed is increasing at the rate of $3\,m/s^2.$ The acceleration of car is ........ $m/s^2$
Which of the following quantities remains constant during uniform circular motion?