A particle of charge $q$ and mass $m$ starts moving from the origin under the action of an electric field $\vec E = {E_0}\hat i$ and $\vec B = {B_0}\hat i$ with velocity ${\rm{\vec v}} = {{\rm{v}}_0}\hat j$. The speed of the particle will become $2v_0$ after a time

  • A

    $t = \frac{{2m{{\rm{v}}_0}}}{{qE}}$

  • B

    $t = \frac{{2Bq}}{{m{{\rm{v}}_0}}}$

  • C

    $t =\frac{{\sqrt 3 \,Bq}}{{m{{\rm{v}}_0}}}$

  • D

    $t =\frac{{\sqrt 3 \,m{{\rm{v}}_0}}}{{qE}}$

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