A proton and an $\alpha$-particle having equal kinetic energy are projected in a uniform transverse electric field as shown in figure


  • A

    Proton trajectory is more curved

  • B

    $\alpha$-particle trajectory is more curved

  • C

    Both trajectories are equally curved but in opposite direction

  • D

    Both trajectories are equally curved and in same direction

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$(A)$ the particle will hit $T$ if projected at an angle $45^{\circ}$ from the horizontal

$(B)$ the particle will hit $T$ if projected either at an angle $30^{\circ}$ or $60^{\circ}$ from the horizontal

$(C)$ time taken by the particle to hit $T$ could be $\sqrt{\frac{5}{6}} \mu s$ as well as $\sqrt{\frac{5}{2}} \mu s$

$(D)$ time taken by the particle to hit $T$ is $\sqrt{\frac{5}{3}} \mu s$

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