A rod of length $l$ and area of cross-section $A$ is heated from $0°C$ to $100°C$. The rod is so placed that it is not allowed to increase in length, then the force developed is proportional to
${l^{ - 1}}$
${A^{ - 1}}$
The temperature of a wire of length $1$ metre and area of cross-section $1\,c{m^2}$ is increased from $0°C$ to $100°C$. If the rod is not allowed to increase in length, the force required will be $(\alpha = {10^{ - 5}}/^\circ C$ and $Y = {10^{11}}\,N/{m^2})$
A copper wire of length $2.2 \;m$ and a steel wire of length $1.6\; m ,$ both of diameter $3.0 \;mm ,$ are connected end to end. When stretched by a load, the net elongation is found to be $0.70 \;mm$. Obtain the load applied in $N$.
A steel uniform rod of length $2L$ cross sectional area $A$ and mass $M$ is set rotating in a horizontal plane about an axis passing through the centre. If $Y$ is the Young’s modulus for steel, find the extension in the length of the rod.
Two wires $A$ and $B$ are of same materials. Their lengths are in the ratio $1 : 2$ and diameters are in the ratio $2 : 1$ when stretched by force ${F_A}$ and ${F_B}$ respectively they get equal increase in their lengths. Then the ratio ${F_A}/{F_B}$ should be
What should be the shape of the pillars or column in building and bridge ?