A slender homogeneous rod of length $2L$ floats partly immersed in water, being supported by a string fastened to one of its ends, as shown. The specific gravity of the rod is $0.75$. The length of rod that extends out of water is :
$\frac{1}{2}$ $L$
$\frac{1}{4}$ $L$
$3 $ $L$
The area of cross-section of the wider tube shown in figure is $800$ $cm^2$. If a mass of $12$ $ kg $ is placed on the massless piston, the difference in heights $h$ in the level of water in the two tubes is ........ $cm$
A block of ice floats in an oil in a vessel when the ice melts, the level of oil will ..............
A sphere of solid material of relative density $9$ has a concentric spherical cavity and floats having just sinked in water. If the radius of the sphere be $R$, then the radius of the cavity $(r)$ will be related to $R$ as :-
A hemispherical bowl just floats without sinking in a liquid of density $1.2 × 10^3kg/m^3$. If outer diameter and the density of the bowl are $1 m$ and $2 × 10^4 kg/m^3$ respectively, then the inner diameter of the bowl will be........ $m$
The density of ice is $0.9 \,g / cm ^3$. What percentage by volume of the block of ice floats outside the water is ..........$\%$