A sphere of mass $50\,gm$ and diameter $20\,cm$ rolls without slipping with a velocity of $5\,cm/sec$ . Its total kinetic energy is
Write the formula for power and angular momentum in rotational motion.
$A$ rod is hinged at its centre and rotated by applying a constant torque starting from rest. The power developed by the external torque as a function of time is :
Two uniform similar discs roll down two inclined planes of length $S$ and $2S$ respectively as shown is the fig. The velocities of two discs at the points $A$ and $B$ of the inclined planes are related as
Write the formula for rotational kinetic energy.
A hollow spherical ball of uniform density rolls up a curved surface with an initial velocity $3\, m / s$ (as shown in figure). Maximum height with respect to the initial position covered by it will be $...........cm$.