A trader buys two articles for $Rs.\, 4000$ each. While selling if he gains $12.5 \%$ on one and loses $20 \%$ on the other, then what will be the overall loss percent?
A vendor started selling vegetables at $Rs. 10$ per $k g,$ but couldn't find buyers at this rate. So, he reduced the price to $8.10 / kg ,$ but uses a faulty weight of $900\, g$ for $1\, kg .$ Find the percent change in the actual price or loss.
A shopkeeper sold an article offering discount of $24 \%$ and earn a profit of $23.5 \% .$ What would have been the percentage of profit earned if no discount has been offered?
$A$ and $B$ started a business by investing $Rs.\, 3,50,000$ and $Rs.,1,40,000$ respectively. A gets $20\%$ of the yearly profit for managing the business. Thereafter the profit is divided in the ratio of the capital. If $A$ receives totally $Rs.\,38,000$ more than $B$ at the end of a $year,$ then the profit is (in $Rs.$)
A shopkeeper mixes $20\, kg$ of rice which cost him $Rs.\,5$ per $kg$ with $35\,kg$ of rice which cost him $Rs.\,7$ per $kg.$ Then he sells the mixture at $Rs.\,6.5$ per $kg$. Find his total profit and percent profit.
Instead of dividing $391$ cookies among $3$ children $A$, $B,C$ in the ratio $\frac{1}{5}: \frac{1}{4}: \frac{1}{8},$ it was divided in to the ratio $5: 4: 8 .$ Who gains the most and how many?