A transverse section of the trunk of a tree shows concentric rings which are known as growth rings. How are these rings formed ? What is the significance of these rings ?
$\Rightarrow$ Concentric rings : Concentric rings are also called annular rings. These rings are produced due to secondary growth. In dicot tree secondary growth takes place due to meristematic tissue cambium.
$\Rightarrow$ In spring season cambium is more active. So xylem cells produce wood of large size while in wood produced in winter have small sized and narrow xylary elements. As a result two rings are produced.
$\Rightarrow$ The age of a tree can be determined by counting the number of these rings. This branch of science is called dendrochronology.
In summer, cambium
Vascular bundle with cambium is called
An annual ring is formed by
Bulliform cells are the modification of