A wire of density $9 \times 10^3 \,kg/m^3$ is stretched between two clamps one meter apart and is subjected to an extension of $4.9 \times 10^{-4} \,m$. What will be the lowest frequency of the transverse vibrations in the wire ... $Hz$ $[Y = 9 \times 10^{10} \,N/m^2]$ ?
Standing waves are produced in a $10 \;m$ long stretched string. If the string vibrates in $5$ segments and the wave velocity is $20\; m/s$, the frequency is ... $Hz$
The frequency of a sonometer wire is $100 Hz$. When the weights producing the tensions are completely immersed in water, the frequency becomes $80 Hz$ and on immersing the weights in a certain liquid, the frequency becomes $60 Hz$. The specific gravity of the liquid is
The tension of a stretched string is increased by $69\%$. In order to keep its frequency of vibration constant, its length must be increased by .... $\%$
Two wires are producing fundamental notes of the same frequency. Change in which of the following factors of one wire will not produce beats between them
The frequency of a sonometer wire is $f$, but when the weights producing the tensions are completely immersed in water the frequency becomes $f/2$ and on immersing the weights in a certain liquid the frequency becomes $f/3$. The specific gravity of the liquid is: