An electric pump was sold at a profit of $15 \% .$ Had it been sold.for $Rs.\, 600$ , the profit would have been $20 \% .$ The former selling price is in $Rs.?$
If the selling price of $40$ articles is equal to the cost price of $50$ articles, the loss or gain percent is
The cost price of an article is $80 \%$ of its marked price for sale. How much percent does the tradesman gain after allowing a discount of $12 \% ?$
A trader mixes $26\, kg$ of rice at $Rs.\, 20$ per $kg$ with $30\, kg$ of rice of another variety at $Rs.\, 36$ per $kg$ and sells the mixture at $Rs$ $30$ per $kg.$ His profit percent is
What profit/loss percent did Ravi earn if he purchased an item of $Rs.\,5600$ and sold it at $3/4$ of its cost price?
Present age of Bob is equal to Abby's age $8\, years$ ago. Four years hence, the respective ratio between Bob's age and Abby's age will be $4: 5$ at that time. What is Bob's present age? (in $years$)