An object kept in a large room having air temperature of $25^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ takes $12$ minutes to cool from $80^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ to $70^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$. The time taken to cool for the same object from $70^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ to $60^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ would be nearly.....$min$
A beaker full of hot water is kept in a room. If it cools from $80^{\circ} C$ to $75^{\circ} C$ in $t_1$, minutes, from $75^{\circ} C$ to $70^{\circ} C$ in $t_2$ minutes and from $70^{\circ} C$ to $65^{\circ} C$ in $t_3$ minutes, then
A hot body, obeying Newton's law of cooling is cooling down from its peak value $80\,^oC$ to an ambient temperature of $30\,^oC$ . It takes $5\, minutes$ in cooling down from $80\,^oC$ to $40\,^oC$. ........ $\min.$ will it take to cool down from $62\,^oC$ to $32\,^oC$ ? (Given $ln\, 2\, = 0.693, ln\, 5\, = 1.609$)
Instantaneous temperature difference between cooling body and the surroundings obeying Newton's law of cooling is $\theta$. Which of the following represents the variation of $\ln \theta$ with time $t$ ?
A metallic sphere cools from $50^{\circ} C$ to $40^{\circ} C$ in $300 \,s.$ If atmospheric temperature around is $20^{\circ} C ,$ then the sphere's temperature after the next $5$ minutes will be close to$.....C$
Are rate of heat emission and rate of cooling same ? Explain this.