Area under a $v -t$ graph represents a physical quantity which has the unit
Define 'average speed'. An object moves with a uniform speed of $10\, m s ^{-1}$ for $5 s$ and then with a uniform speed of $5\, m s ^{-1}$ for $10\, s$. Find its average speed.
When is the acceleration $(i)$ positive $(ii)$ negative ?
Account for the following
$(a)$ What is the shape of the path of a body when it is in uniform motion ?
$(b)$ Give one example of non$-$uniform motion.
$(c)$ Two cars $A$ and $B$ have their $x-t$ graph as shown in figure. Which has greater velocity ?
$(d)$ What is the quantity which is measured by the area occupied below the velocity$-$time graph ?
$(e)$ A body is moving with a velocity of $10\, m s ^{-1}$. If the motion is uniform, what will be the velocity after $10\, s$ ?
What can we conclude about the motion of a body depicted by following velocity$-$time graphs ?
Can a particle be accelerated
$(i)$ if its speed is constant ?
$(ii)$ if its velocity is constant ?