Carbongene has $X\%$ of $CO_2$ and is used as an antidote for poisoning of $Y.$ Then, $X$ and $Y$ are
$X = 95\%$ and $Y =$ lead poisoning
$X = 5\%$ and $Y = CO$ poisoning
$X = 30\%$ and $Y = CO_2$ poisoning
$X = 45\%$ and $Y = CO$ poisoning
Give general information of elements of $p-$ block.
Given below are two statements :
Statement $I$ : Boron is extremely hard indicating its high lattice energy
Statement $II$ : Boron has highest melting and boiling point compared to its other group members.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
Crystalline metal can be transformed into metallic glass by
Which of the following cation can not give borax bead test ?
Boric acid is an acid because its molecule