Choose incorrect statement
Food webs that exist in nature
Food chains or food web is formed because of interdependancy (Depends for food with one another)
Primary consumers will be herbivores
$DFC$ begins with only dead plants matter
Food levels in an ecosystem are called
Grazing food chain
What is the percentage of photosynthetically active radiation $(PAR)$, in the incident solar radiation.
Consider the following statements about food chain
$I.$ The transfer of energy from producers to top consumers through a series of organisms is called food chain
$II.$ A food chain is always straight and proceeds in a progressive straight line
$III.$ In a food chain, there is unidirectional flow of energy from sun to producers and subsequently to series of different types of consumers
Which of the statements given above are correct?
What will happen to an ecosystem if :
$(a)$ All producers are removed;
$(b)$ All organisms of herbivore level are eliminated; and
$(c)$ All top carnivore population is removed