$(a)$ Define uniform circular motion.
$(b)$ Ram goes for a morning walk in a circular park daily. He completes one revolution of the park in $4$ minutes. Find his speed if the diameter of the park is $420\, m$.
$(c)$ Draw velocity$-$time graph for uniform motion along a straight line. How can you find distance covered by a body from this graph ?
Four speed$-$time graphs are shown below
Which graph represents the following case ?
$(i)$ A ball thrown vertically upwards and returning to the hand of the thrower ?
$(ii)$ A body decelerating to a constant speed and then accelerating.
Explain the differences between the two graphs.
Slope of a velocity -time graph gives
A person standing at $A$ goes to $B$ by following any of the paths $1,2$ or $3 .$ Which path we can measure to find the average velocity ?