Describe types of leaves.

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$\rightarrow$ There are two types of leaves : $(i)$ Simple Leaf $(ii)$ Compound Leaf.

$(i)$ Simple Leaf : A leaf is said to be simple, when its lamina is entire or when incised, the incisions do not touch the midrib.

$(ii)$ Compound Leaf : When the incisions of the lamina reach up to the midrib breaking it into a number of leaflets, the leaf is called compound. The compound leaves may be of two types, pinnately compound leaf and palmately compound leaf.

 $\rightarrow$ Pinnately Compound Leaf : In a pinnately compound leaf a number of leaflets are present on a common axis, the rachis which represents the midrib of the leaf as in neem.

$\rightarrow$ Palmately Compound Leaf : In palmately compound leaves, the leaflets are attached at a common point, i.e., at the tip of petiole, as in silk cotton.

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