Distinguish between

$(a)$ Grazing food chain and detritus food chain

$(b)$ Production and decomposition


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$(a)$ Grazing food chain and detritus food chain 

Grazing food chain Detritus food chain 
$1$. In this food chain, energy is derived from the Sun. $1$. In this food chain, energy comes from organic matter (or detritus) generated in trophic levels of the grazing food chain.
$2$. It begins with producers, present at the first trophic level. The plant biomass is then eaten by herbivores, which in turn are consumed by a variety of carnivores. $2$. It begins with detritus such as dead bodies of animals or fallen leaves, which are then eaten by decomposers or detritivores. These detritivores are in turn consumed by their predators.
$3$. This food chain is usually large. $3$. It is usually smaller as compared to  the grazing food chain.

 $(b)$ Production and decomposition 

Production Decomposition 
$1$. It is the rate of producing organic matter (food) by producers. $1$. It is the process of breaking down of complex organic matter or biomass from the body of dead plants and animals with the help of decomposers into organic raw material such as $\mathrm{CO}_{2}, \mathrm{H}_{2} \mathrm{O},$ and other nutrients.
$2$. It depends on the photosynthetic capacity of the producers. $2$. It occurs with the help of decomposers.
$3$. Sunlight is required by plants for primary production. $3$. Sunlight is not required for decomposition by decomposers


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