Each antibody has $...A...$ polypeptide chains, $...B...$ small chains called $....C...$ chains and $...D...$ longer chains called $.E...$ chains
The antibody, therefore, is represented as $...F...$
Here $A$ to $F$ refers to
$A-four, B-two, C-light, D-two, E-heavy$, $F- $$H_{2} L_{2}$
$A-six, B-three, C-light, D-three, E-heavy$, $F-$ $H_{3} L_{2}$
$A-two, B-one, C-light, D-one, E-heavy$, $\mathrm{F}-\mathrm{H}_{1} L_{1}$
$A-five, B-two, C-light, D-three, E-heavy$, $\mathrm{F}-\mathrm{H}_{2} L_{2}$
What is the basic principle of vaccination ? How do vaccines prevent microbial infections ? Name the organism from which hepatitis $B$ Vaccine is produced.
The yellowish fluid "colostrum" secreted by mammary glands of mother during the initial days of lactation has abundant antibodies ($lgA$) to protect the infant. This type of immunity is called as
Choose the true statements
$I.$ Innate immunity is accomplished by providing different types of barriers
$II.$ Acquired immunity is present from the birth and is inherited from parents
$III.$ Sweat, tears, acid in the stomach and saliva prevent microbial growth
Discribe the Innate immunity.
Identify $X$ from Figure