Energy flow and energy transformations in living systems strictly conform to the
Law of limiting factors
Liebig's law of minimum
Laws of thermodynamics
Shelford's law of tolerance
Why are oceans least productive ?
Consider the following statements concerning food chains.
$I$. Removal of $80\; \%$ tigers from an area resulted in greatly increased growth of vegetation.
$II.$ Removal of most of the carnivores resulted in an increased population of deers.
$III.$ The length of food chains is generally limited to $3$ to $4$ trophic levels due to energy loss.
$IV.$ The length of food chains may vary from $2$ to $8$ trophic levels.
Which two of the above statements are correct?
In a terrestial ecosystem such as forest, maximum energy is in which trophic level
What is the percentage of photosynthetically active radiation $(PAR)$, in the incident solar radiation.
Which of the following are the essential sources for releasing in the atmosphere?
$I.$ Burning of wood
$II.$ Volcanic activity
$III.$ Combustion of organic matter
$IV.$ Fossil fuels
Choose the correct option