Stimulates erythropoiesis
Inhibits erythopoiesis
Inhibits platelet formation
Stimulates platelet formation
The secretion of aldosterone by adrenal cortex is directly controlled by
Select the correct option on the basis of following sentences : This gland's :
$(I)$ Hormones increase alterthess
$(II)$ Hormones increase the heart beat
$(III)$ Stimulate the breakdown of glycogen
$(IV)$ Stimulate the breakdown of lipids and proteins
When an animal is angry and wants to fight; the hormone that is secreted is
Angiotensin is derived from plasma protein "angiotensinogen'' by the action of renin and other nervous stimuli. Angiotensin stimulates the following
$I.$ The adrenal cortex secretes many hormones called corticoids $II.$ Corticoids involved in carbohydrate metabolism are called glucocorticoids $III.$ Cortisol is main glucocorticoids $IV.$ Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoids
Select the correct combination from the given options