Explain the role of scientist :
$1.$ Francis Crick
$2.$ Friedrich griphith $(1928)$
Francis Crick proposed the Central dogma in molecular biology,
He concluded that the $R$ strain bacteria had somehow been transformed by the heat-killed $S$ strain bacteria. Some ‘transforming principle’, transferred from the heat-killed $S$ strain, had enabled the $R$ strain to synthesise a smooth polysaccharide coat and become virulent
Who revealed biochemical nature of the transforming principle ? How was it done ?
The strongest evidence that $DNA$ is genetic material comes from
Give an account of Hershey and Chase experiment. What did it conclusively prove?If both $DNA$ and proteins contained phosphorus and sulphur do you think the result would have been the same ?
$RNA$ as genetic material in ............
Which of the following is false for $RNA$?
$(i)$ $RNA$ can directly code for the synthesis of proteins
$(ii)$ It is very common process to synthesis $DNA$ from $RNA$
$(iii)$ $RNA$ is used as genetic material only in human
$(iv)$ One polynucleotide chain is present in $RNA$