Floral formula of Caesalpinoideae is
$+ ♀ K_5 C_{(5)} A_{1+(9)}$ $\underline {{{\rm{G}}_{\rm{1}}}} $
$+ ♀ K_{(5)} C_{(5)} A_5 G_1$
% $♀ K_5 C_{(5)} A_{10} G_1$
$Br$ % $♀ K_5 C_5 A_{5+5}$ $\underline {{{\rm{G}}_{\rm{1}}}} $
Fruit of custard apple is
Roots of which plant are used for treating blood pressure
The existence of two types of leaves in the same plant, is called
The special type of inflorescence found in Ficus where the female flower are at bottom and male flower near ostiole and enclosed within a cup shaped fleshy thalamus $(receptacle)$ with ostiole is called
Presence of staminode is characteristic feature of