King of spices is:
Brassica nigra
Piper nigrum
Piper longum
Curcuma long
Which of the following two are the resultant of stipule modifications?
$I$.Spines in Ziziphus. $II$.Tendrils in Smilax $III$.Tendrils in Nepenthes.
$IV$.Spines in Argemone. $V$.Thorns in Bougainvellea.
Aggregate fruit develops from
Match the following:
Column $- I$ | Column $- II$ |
$(a)$. Amphisarca | $(i)$ Aegle |
$(b)$. Pepo | $(ii)$ Cucumis |
$(c)$. Drupe | $(iii)$ Ananas |
$(d)$. Sorosis | $(iv)$ Juglans |
In Selaginella, the adaxial outgrowth, from the base of leaf, is called