Give differences : Chemical fertilizer and Biotic fertilizer
Chemical fertilizer | Biotic fertilizer |
$(1)$ Different types of chemicals are used in chemical fertilizer. | $(1)$ Different types of microbes are used in biotic fertilizer. |
$(2)$ Excessive use of chemical fertilizer increases pollution of land. | $(2)$ Biofertilizer makes the soil fertile and increases crop yield. |
$(3)$ Nitrogen, phosphorus potassium etc are used as a source. | $(3)$ Bacteria, fungi and cynobecteria are used as a source. |
$(4)$ Chemical fertilizer is harmful for environment. | $(4)$ Biofertilizer is advantageus for environment. |
Which of the following groups of plants are highly useful in increasing soil fertility
Farmers have reported over $50\%$ higher yields of rice by using which of the following biofertilizer
Organic farming includes
$I.$ use of biofertilisers and biopesticides
$II.$ crop rotation
$III.$ locally developed pest resistant varieties
Choose the correct option
Assertion : Leguminous plants are nitrogen fixers.
Reason : Leguminous plants have Rhizobium in their root nodules.