Give differences : Dicot root and Monocot root.

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Dicot root Monocot root
 $(1)$  Exodermis is not clear under epidermis.  $(1)$ Exodermis is located below epidermis.
 $(2)$ In endodermis, thickening is in the form of casparian stripes.  $(2)$ In endodermis thickening is in $C$ shape. 
 $(3)$  Four units of xylem tissue and pholem tissue are arranged alternately at different  radili.  $(3)$ Many units of xylem and phloem are phloem tissue are arranged alternately at different radii.
 $(4)$ Root is tetra arch.  $(4)$ Root is polyarch.
 $(5)$Phloem parenchyma cells are present in phloem tissue.  $(5)$ Phloem tissue lacks phleom parenchyma. 
 $(6)$ Secondary growth is seen in old root.  $(6)$ Secondary growth is not seen.
 $(7)$ Pith is small and unclear.  $(7)$ Pith is large and clear.

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