Give differences : Gymnosperms and Angiosperms.

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Gymnosperms Angiosperms
$(1)$Their seeds are open and not covered by any ovary wall. $(1)$Their seeds are enclosed by ovary wall.
$(2)$It shows single fertilization. $(2)$It shows double fertilization.
$(3)$Flowers are of primary type and do not possess colourful petals.  $(3)$Flowers are well developed and possess
 $(4)$Endosperm develops before fertilization and it is haploid. $(4)$Endosperm is formed after fertilization and it is haploid.
$(5)$Male flowers are as microspore.  $(5)$Stamen is as male reproductive organ
$(6)$Male and female flowers develop on different plants.

 $(6)$Male and female reproductive organs are produced in either one flower or in different flowers on one plant or in different plants.

$(7)$Pollination occurs through wind e.g. Cycas, Pinus.

$(7)$Pollination occurs through wind, water, insects or by other factors. e.g. Sunflower, Maize.


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